In the United Kingdom, no law states that a solicitor must draw up a deed poll. This means anyone can create their own deed poll, as long as they follow the correct format.

A deed poll is a legal document that allows someone to change their name. It is important to note that a deed poll is not the same as a change of name certificate, which the government issues. A deed poll is more powerful, as it allows the person to use their new name in all legal proceedings.

Name change on Deed Poll
(Adobe Stock)

What are your options?

When it comes to legally changing your name, there are a few different ways to go about it. One popular option is to create a deed poll. A deed poll is a document that legally changes your name and can be used for things like passports, driver’s licenses, and bank accounts.

So, can you create your own deed poll? Yes, but first, there are a few things you should be aware of. For starters, you’ll need to ensure that the name change is legal in your country. You’ll also need to know what forms and paperwork must be filed with the government or other agencies to make it official.

If you’re not comfortable handling the paperwork, you can always hire a lawyer or other professional service to help you.

Can you change your name for a bet?

Changing your name is a big decision. It’s something you do when you want to start fresh or when you want to distance yourself from your old life. So, it might come as a surprise that some people decide to change their name for much more trivial reasons.

One woman changed her name because she lost a bet. Another man changed his name because his friends dared him to. And even celebrities sometimes change their names for no reason at all. There are no real rules about why you can or can’t change your name — as long as it’s not fraudulent, you can do whatever you want.

Can you go by a single name?

Yes, you are free to go by a single name or mononym without breaking the law. Many famous people use only their first name without a surname. For example, Madonna, Cher, and Sting are all well-known mononymous celebrities.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you decide to go by a single name.

First, you’ll need to change your passport and other official documents to reflect your new name. You can do this by filing a deed poll with the appropriate government agency.

When you change your name, it’s important to let everyone know. This includes family, friends, and especially your employer.

You may also want to consider changing your driver’s license, passport, and voter registration name.

One thing you should be prepared for is people mistakenly addressing you as “Mrs.” or “Mr.” instead of “Ms.” or “Mr.” It can take some time for people to get used to the new name, so be patient.


A deed poll is a legal document that changes a person’s name. It shows that the person has officially changed their name and is no longer using their old name. A deed poll can be used for any reason, such as to change your name after getting married or divorced or changing your gender identity.

It is crucial to remember that few people (even within the legal community) are familiar with a deed poll, and even fewer are aware of the potential consequences of executing one. It is always advisable to consult a professional before executing a deed poll to make the process error-free.

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