There’s nothing worse than a tickly cough that keeps you up at night and makes you sound like the walking dead during the day.

With winter in full swing and worries that symptoms could be a sign of more serious illnesses such as Covid, thousands of us will be bothered by tickly throats that refuse to budge – no matter how many throat lozenges or bottles of cough syrup we throw at the situation.


How to stop a tickly cough quickly

Want to know how to stop a tickly cough quickly? Our expert explains how to shift a lingering tickle that’s outstayed its welcome.

Allow time for your body to recover from a cough

he symptoms should clear up in three weeks (Thinkstock/PA)
he symptoms should clear up in three weeks (Thinkstock/PA)

If you started coughing on Monday, it might feel reasonable to expect to be feeling fine by the weekend. But it can actually take up to three weeks for a cough to fully resolve itself. Chronic coughs are usually triggered by a nasty bout of cold or flu, and tend to hang around in the aftermath of a viral infection.

Abbas Kanani, a pharmacist from Chemist Click, explains that when certain bacteria or viruses – such as the cold or flu virus – enter our respiratory system, excess mucus is produced in order to help the body get rid of these infections and bugs. It’s this unpleasant overload that triggers the cough reflex, as a way of clearing out the chest area.

“Our respiratory system produces mucus, which acts as a lubricant and a filter,” says Kanani. “Mucus keeps the respiratory tract moist, and protects it from irritants that may have been inhaled from the air we breathe.”

Drink plenty of water

During this time, Kanani recommends you drink plenty of water. “It’s important to keep yourself hydrated, especially if your body is fighting off an infection,” he says. “Water can also help to loosen mucus, so that it can be expelled easily.”

Hot water, lemon and honey is a handy go-to if you’re struggling to croak out your words first thing in the morning. “Honey helps to soothe the chest, whilst both lemon and honey contain natural antibacterial properties,” says Kanani. “Lemon also contains vitamin C, which helps to boost the immune system.”

Have a facial steam bath

How to stop a tickly cough - facial steam bath
Use a facial steam bath to help clear airways.

Kanani also recommends using a facial steam bath to help break up thick mucus in the airways as a good way for how to stop a tickly cough. Boil a pan of water, remove from heat and add a few drops of eucalyptus. Then all you need to do is throw a towel over your head and start inhaling the sinus-clearing vapours from the mixture.

Try cough medicine

If all else fails, medication can provide some relief. “Cough medicines known as ‘expectorants’ can help to ease a chesty cough by thinning and loosening mucus,” says Kanani. “Your local pharmacy can give you advice on whether they’re suitable for you.”

Peppermint is a natural source of menthol, which is an expectorant, so swap that mid-morning coffee for a cup of peppermint to add to the hydration, too.

Make sure to mindfully spit

Once the mucus begins to break up in the chest, there’s only one way for it to get out – and that’s through the mouth. We know it sounds disgusting, but the best way to expel the small gunge pit that’s forming in your chest is to spit it out. If you swallow instead, you’re sending the phlegm back down the throat to fester where it came from.

It goes without saying that spitting on the ground is as unsanitary as it is impolite, so make sure you’re being mindful of others by discreetly depositing any unsightly mucus into a tissue and then flushing it down the toilet.

Watch out for more serious symptoms

“Most people have had a chesty cough on a number of occasions, and it usually isn’t anything to worry about,” says Kanani. “However, you should make an appointment to see your GP if you spot any potentially worrying signs.”

For example, if your mucus is green, or a colour different to yellow, it can mean you’ve got a chest infection and may need antibiotics. A cough that lasts for more than three weeks may also be a sign of an underlying medical issue that needs investigating.

“Most people know their bodies and you should be able to identify a cough that is not typical of a seasonal chesty cough – this could be a hacking or uncontrollable cough,” says Kanani. “A cough that is worse than usual could be cause for concern.”

Covid cough symptoms
A persistent cough can be a sign of Covid – make sure you get a free NHS Covid test.

And with the Covid pandemic in full swing, a persistent cough can be the sign of being infected. Make sure you obtain a Covid test and check if you are infected if you have a persistent cough.

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