If you’re a beginner looking for a new exercise routine, Pilates is the ideal activity for boosting fitness and it may even help you to combat stress. 

This core-focused discipline was created by German physical trainer Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century and was originally known as “contrology.” Now named after its creator, Pilates is a method of whole body exercise designed to improve daily activities. Well-known for its weight management and wellness benfits, Pilates is a firm favourite with celebrities including Charlize Theron, Jennifer Aniston and fitness queen herself, Madonna. 


Many of us find the winter weather an obstacle to exercise as going for a jog in a force 9 gale is far from appealing. Luckily, Pilates can be done in the comfort of your own central heated abode and as a low-impact exercise, it’s highly accessible for beginners. As you gain more confidence, the moves can be extended and developed to match your level. 

Pilates as a stress-buster

Alongside improved posture, strengthened bones and better balance, pilates has also been shown to improve mental health and reduce stress. This is especially relevant in these unprecendented times. Throughout the pandemic, not being able to connect with friends and family as we normally would and the mountain of anxiety arising from the news has made many of us experience feelings of loss, loneliness and general low mood. There is (finally) a light at the end of the tunnel, but too many of us are feeling stressed right now.

The connection between the exercise mat and your mental health is real, says fitness expert Laura Williams. Research has shown time and again that exercise can play a significant role in helping manage anxiety, boost mood and increase resilience via numerous, complex processes.

“Pilates ticks many of the mental health boxes,” says Williams. “For a start, the concentration required to get the simplest-looking moves right will help keep your mind occupied and help you switch off.”

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And the slow, precise movement is surprisingly soothing: “As you focus and use limbs at a slower pace, your breathing tends to slow too, which has a big calming effect,” she adds.

“And let’s not forget that core focus: some of these moves require serious abdominal control, which will soon distract you from other concerns.”

These five go-to, mind-soothing moves work wonders for strengthening, stretching and switching off.

1. Shoulder bridge

The shoulder bridge is a great Pilates exercise for beginners. (Claire Spreadbury/PA)

1. Lie on your back with your legs bent.

2. Lift your hips and back off the mat and come up onto your shoulders.

3. Advanced version: extend arms behind you as you come up onto your shoulders. Extend one leg out in front of you and lower towards the ground, twice.

4. Repeat five times.

2. Single leg circle

Pilates is great for building core-strength. (Claire Spreadbury/PA)

1. Lie on your back with one leg resting on the ground and the other extended above your hip.

2. Sweep your leg out to the side and circle back to the starting position.

3. Do five circles in each direction. Change sides.

4. Minimise movement in the torso: use abdominals to keep your back flat.

3. Kneeling side kick

Side-kicks and other Pilates moves are great for getting fit at home The shoulder bridge is a great Pilates exercise for beginners (Claire Spreadbury/PA)
Side-kicks and other Pilates moves are great for getting fit at home. (Claire Spreadbury/PA)

1. Resting your weight on your left leg and left arm, place your right hand behind your head.

2. Extend your right leg out at hip height, and sweep forwards before pulsing for a count of two.

3. Sweep your leg back behind you and pulse for a count of two.

4. Do eight kick cycles in total, before switching sides.

4. The Saw

The regulated breathing and mindful movements of Pilates could help reduce stress. Side-kicks and other Pilates moves are great for getting fit at home The shoulder bridge is a great Pilates exercise for beginners (Claire Spreadbury/PA)
The regulated breathing and mindful movements of Pilates could help reduce stress. (Claire Spreadbury/PA)

1. Sitting upright with arms outstretched, rotate your upper body to the left.

2. Sweep your left hand to right toes, before returning to the centre.

3. Repeat on the other side.

4. Perform five ‘saws’ to each side.

5. Hip twist

Improving flexibility and reducing back pain are just two of the many benefits reaped by Pilates fans. (Claire Spreadbury/PA)

1. From a seated position, extend your arms behind you and your legs out in front of you.

2. Sweep your legs around and down in a circular movement, switching direction at the top.

3. Do a total of 10 circles.

4. Modified version: bend elbows, placing more weight on the arms and shoulders for support.

Best-selling Pilates mats

Check out our list of best-selling pilates mats on Amazon

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