The arrival of spring and summer means long lunch breaks in the park, barbecues with friends and balmy evenings in pub gardens enjoying the last of the sunshine. The only downside to the good weather? Sticky, restless and warm nights that leave you tossing and turning into the early hours – which means you need our guide on how to go to sleep in hot weather.

Research suggests that the optimum temperature for sleep is around 17C, but if you’re not lucky enough to have air conditioning and can’t get your bedroom to a cool temperature, there’s no reason to continue to lie awake in discomfort.


Here are our top tips for how to go to sleep in hot weather complied by industry sleep experts that will help you get a restful night as the temperatures heat up.

How to go to sleep in hot weather

1. Wear loose, cotton nightwear

Photo of woman sleeping wearing cotton in a guide on how to go to sleep in hot weather.
Cotton and loose-fitting clothing can help with how to go to sleep in hot weather.

When it comes to summer nightwear, breathability is key. Sleep expert Dr Stanley says: “Wearing cotton pyjamas makes it easier for the skin to breathe and the air to circulate, compared to other fabrics such as silk or synthetic fibres. This in turn keeps you cooler and more comfortable, making it easier to sleep.”

Sara Wadsworth, Brand Manager at The Fine Bedding Company, says: “Sleeping in tight clothing is not only uncomfortable, but will lead to unwanted and excessive heat retention. Try sleeping in lightweight, loose cotton pyjamas that are not only breathable but will absorb sweat to cool you down.”

2. Switch off screens before betime

“Screen time should end ideally at least 25 minutes before sleep,” Dr Stanley advises. “Blue light is known to suppress the release of melatonin, which is the body’s signal that it’s time for sleep. Therefore, using screens before bed will disrupt sleep. Research shows that nearly one in five of us check social media before going to bed, so try and put your phone, laptop or tablet down.”

Read Wise Living’s guide on how to quickly overcome insomnia.

3. Stay hydrated for a restful night’s sleep

Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated to help you sleep better.
Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated to help you sleep better.

Unsurprisingly, drinking lots of cold water can help to keep your body cool and can help with how to go to sleep in hot weather. “Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is advisable for many reasons, and sleep is just one of those,” Dr Stanley says. “It’s worth taking a large glass to bed with you, but be careful not to drink too much before you go to sleep to avoid breaking your cycle and going back and forth to the toilet.”

4. Don’t overeat during the day

For many of us summertime means barbecues and ice cream, and delicious though they may be, they are not a recipe for a good night’s sleep. “Heavy meals are out of the question when it comes to cooling down the body,” Dr Stanley says. “Eating a meal that’s rich in carbohydrates means that your body will take longer to digest them, creating a higher internal temperature. Stick to salads, fruits and other lighter options instead, and make sure you eat at least two hours before going to sleep to give your body enough time to burn off the food and rest.”

5. Use a cold water bottle to help you sleep

A hot water bottle may seem like the last thing you need to help you get through the hot summer nights, but what if your hot water bottle became a cold water bottle? “Filling your hot water bottle with cold water and leaving it in the freezer for a while before placing between your bedsheets is a quick and extremely effective way to cool your bed down ensuring the sheets feel fresh and cool against your skin,” says Dr Stanley.

6. Keep alcohol to a minimum before bedtime

It can be all too easy when the sun is out to stay out that little bit longer, and indulge in one too many drinks (although it may seem like a great idea at the time). Dr Stanley warns: “Alcohol can leave you feeling dehydrated, which exacerbates many of the worst elements of overheating. Limiting your alcohol intake, and particularly not consuming alcohol right before bedtime are important to ensuring you can get a good night’s sleep.”

7. Use home remedies to help you go to sleep in hot weather

“If you’re still struggling to settle down and get the sleep you need then you might find it beneficial to look at natural remedies to help you unwind before sleep,” Dr Stanley adds. “Lavender drops on the pillow, or an herbal sleep aid containing a blend of natural herbs such as valerian and passion flower, which have been traditionally used to help you unwind and aid sleep.”

Nytol’s Herbal Simply Sleep One-A-Night Tablets (£5.99, from Boots) contain 385mg of valerian root extract, which has been traditionally used for decades to induce sleep and promote calmness.

Read Wise Living’s Guide to home remedies for sleeplessness and insomnia.

Avoid brightly lit rooms and keep curtains closed as a way to help you go to sleep in hot weather.
Avoid brightly lit rooms and keep curtains closed during the day as a way to help you go to sleep in hot weather.

8. Keep the curtains closed in your room during the day

Keeping your bedroom as cold as possible is vital, if you want to avoid a desperate midnight search for any way to cool down.

Nutritionist Sarah Flower, from Power Health says. “In order to drift off to sleep naturally, our body temperatures should drop prior to sleep and only rise again as we wake.”

One surefire way of how to go to sleep in hot weather is by cooling a room – and you can do that shutting out the sun during the day. It might feel weird when you first leave the house to keep the curtains closed, but you’ll be glad of it when you get home.

There’s also a way of using wet towels to do the same thing as Simon Bandy from nutritional supplements brand Health Plus advises. “Wet some old towels, wring them out and hang them over open windows. It will really help to cool the air down inside, especially at night.”

9. Put your pillowcases in the freezer

It may sound odd, but this method is seriously effective as a way for how to go to sleep in hot weather.

“Place your bed sheets in the freezer for a while and let them chill before taking them out and getting under them on a hot night,” nutritionist Chris Simon says: “The coldness will transfer from the sheets to your body and you will not have a sweaty night ahead of you.”

You could also make your own DIY cold compress, by putting rice in a sock then placing it in the freezer. Yes, your partner might think you’re a bit odd, but you’ll be the one feeling refreshed.

10. Incorporate hydrating foods into your meals

Chris says that while in the heat many people will opt for a salad or an ice cold drink, he has found other more effective ways.

“You can incorporate hydrating foods into a fulfilling meal. For example, stir fry some cucumber slices with pineapple. The juices will stay compact and hydrate you. Place them on a bed of some refrigerated mint-infused couscous.

“You want to include as many astringent foods in your diet and snack lightly on a bitter but non-greasy food before going to bed. Your body’s metabolism will work harder if you have just consumed food. The metabolism will create kinetic energy when working and this in turn, creates heat.”

11. Get your hair off your neck to help you sleep

Women with long hair will know the annoyance of waking up with strands of hair stuck to their skin. There’s a simple solution – tie back your hair or try a top knot. Alternatively, a fishtail plait can be a good way to grasp all the hair together, away from your face and neck.

There are plenty of easy-to-follow tutorials online – and if it a heatwave isn’t a great excuse to master a new hairstyle, then what is?

12. Have a listen to a podcast in bed to soothe you

Woman listening to podcast as a way to fall asleep easily
Listen to a podcast to help you drift off and get a good night’s sleep when temperatures start to rise.

This is obviously not just a tip for a heatwave – but it’s amazing what a difference it can make listening to a soothing voice as you attempt to drift off.

One of the best podcasts out there is Sleep With Me. It uses boredom superpowers to make you feel sleepy – no, really. Each one has a different bedtime story on a dull topic, letting you forget your problems as it becomes progressively more boring until you eventually drift off.

And if all else fails? Take solace in the fact that good weather rarely lasts here in the UK.



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