Pull out an extra blanket and pop on the kettle, because the UK is set to endure its coldest week of winter so far, thanks to Storm Darcy.

Many areas are blanketed with snow and whipped by bitterly cold winds while temperatures are expected to plummet to minus 15C overnight in Scotland. If you want to avoid getting sick over the next few days, you’ll need to get ahead of the game by taking a few preventative measures to safeguard your health during the icy nights.


Cold weather health tips

Here are a few easy ways to minimise your risk of coughs, sniffles and even more dangerous viruses by boosting your immune system.

1. Try garlic

Starting your day with raw garlic might not sound like the most palatable of breakfasts, but a clove a day could keep flu at bay. This is because raw garlic contains compounds that help the immune system to fight common cold germs. When crushed or chopped, this potent plant causes a chemical reaction that releases allicin – a powerful antibacterial that’s been shown to boost the disease-fighting response of some types of white blood cells when they encounter viruses, such as the viruses that cause the common cold or flu.

2. Get a good night’s sleep

While it’s easy to fall into the ‘just one more episode’ trap on Netflix, getting a solid eight hours sleep could be your best bet of keeping a cold at arm’s length. During sleep, your immune system releases proteins called cytokines, which help to fight infection and inflammation. Just a few late nights can disrupt the protective nature of your immune system. That’s why it’s a good idea to switch off the TV and get under the duvet earlier when the weather is cold.

3. Eat the rainbow

Buddha bowl healthy vegan meal with kale, quinoa, various green sprouts and season greens

Avoiding a nasty cold could be as easy as avoiding takeaways and creating healthy, homemade meals instead. A fruit and vegetable-rich diet can support your immune system over the winter months, so shop for colourful foods rich in vitamins A and C, such as lemons, oranges, blueberries, strawberries, beetroots, carrots and apricots.

4. Wash your hands regularly

Wash hands to keep healthy in winter

We all know that we should give our hands a thorough scrub after using the bathroom, but it’s also wise to carry a bottle of antibacterial gel, so you can top up on-the-go. Why? Because germs and viruses can live on inanimate objects like door handles and light switches for hours, meaning you can easily expose yourself by going about your normal daily routine.

5. Have a warm bath to de-stress

Studies have shown that stress can exacerbate the cold virus, so if you’re feeling frazzled after long day working from home, try to practise some self-care routines, like running a hot bath and switching your phone onto flight mode. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh quizzed 276 healthy volunteers about their stress levels, and found that those who had reported chronic stress were more than twice as likely to become ill when exposed to the cold virus. As well as its de-stressing properties, a bubble bath has the added benefit of adjusting your body temperature, so you’re nice and sleepy by the time you hit the hay.

6. Drink plenty of water

White woman holding her personal stainless steel water bottle on the working table.

Hydrating isn’t just good for your skin; drinking water flushes out your system and helps keep your immune system strong. Roughly 60% of the body is made of water, so drinking enough H2O maintains the body’s fluid balance, which helps to regulate a healthy body temperature. As a guide, a healthy adult needs around 1.5 litres of water each day.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to completely protect yourself from winter viruses, but with the temperatures dropping, these handy tips will put you in a stronger position to fight against the season’s illnesses.

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