Do you often feel drained, tired, and lacking the energy to complete daily tasks? Luckily there may be an unexpected solution to this universal dilemma: nutrients. Increasing or adjusting your daily nutrient intake can energise and refresh you.

Today’s 21st-century lifestyle means your body goes through a lot of information in a short amount of time. From managing your work, health or social life, it is no wonder you can quickly tire out. Your brain alone consumes 20% of your daily energy. That is why vitamins such as B12, Magnesium and Iron play a critical role in energy production and reducing tiredness. So here are the top vitamins for tiredness.


Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin to combat tiredness and fatigue. Responsible for forming red blood cells, this vitamin helps to transport oxygen around the body for energy production. It is also critical for helping the body to absorb folic acid, metabolise proteins and carbs and promote a healthy nervous system. Increasing your intake of Vitamin B12 is certainly a great start in reducing tiredness and boost energy levels

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Magnesium is a mineral essential for overall health. As the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, it’s involved in over 300 biochemical reactions. Among its various functions, Magnesium is important for improving energy and reducing tiredness. From helping convert food into energy, assisting in developing new proteins from amino acids, and regulating neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain and nervous system, magnesium is a staple for a good energy balance.

Without sufficient magnesium levels, your body feels weaker and more fatigued. This is partly due to the body struggling to process nerve signals and manage potassium levels in muscle cells, leading to general tiredness.

Best-selling Magnesium supplements

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Iron and oxygen go hand in hand. Found in haemoglobin, which is the protein in red blood cells, iron is an essential mineral responsible for carrying oxygen throughout your body. Without sufficient iron levels, your body cannot function and develop properly. A lack of iron causes a lack of haemoglobin, leading to iron-deficiency anaemia. This starvation of oxygen-rich blood leaves the body impaired of cognitive abilities, muscle fatigue, and tiredness – impacting mental and physical performance.

Best-selling Iron supplements

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Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, also plays a crucial element in energy production and cellular function. It acts as a coenzyme in oxidation-reduction reactions, which help your cells produce energy by breaking down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

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Vitamin D

Known as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin certainly brightens up your energy levels. Research has found a link between low vitamin D levels and fatigue, with a deficiency causing poorer sleep quality, unhealthy bone growth and a weaker immune system. While it may not be a leading cause of fatigue, your vitamin D intake should not be overlooked. That is why you should boost your vitamin B through supplement intakes, particularly during darker months.

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Vitamin C

Vitamin C is renowned for its role in supporting the immune system and its antioxidant properties. But it’s also critical for energy release. Vitamin C works to regulate energy metabolism in neurones and also aids in the synthesis of carnitine. This molecule moves fatty acids into the mitochondria of your cells to be converted into energy. A prevelant deficiency in vitamin C most famously causes scurvy, but also importantly anemia and exhaustion.

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Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

​​Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, assists in converting food into energy and helps the body metabolize fats and proteins. However, B6 is great at acting as a mood modulator. The brain uses vitamin B6 to produce serotonin and norepinephrine, neurotransmitters that influence mood and regulate your body clock. A deficiency in vitamin B6 could lead to a weakened immune system, confusion and even depression, which can contribute to fatigue. As a result, B6 is vital for the health of the brain and nerves.

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Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)

​In a similar way to B6, Vitamin B5 is crucial for converting the food you eat into energy. However, unlike B6, it is also vital in making blood cells, ensuring that your body is oxygenated and more energised. Not only does it improve your physical side, but Vitamin B5 plays an important role as a stress shield for your mental health. By helping to release stress-related hormones in the adrenal glands, it enables you to feel more relaxed and awake. Without B5, stress and fatigue are more prevalent resulting in more sleepless nights and weaker cognitive skills.

All these vitamins play a unique role in maintaining overall health and energy levels. It’s essential to ensure an adequate, balanced intake of these nutrients to keep fatigue at bay and stay energetic throughout the day.

Achieving a balanced intake of these essential nutrients is key to combat tiredness. While deficiencies can lead to fatigue and other health issues, it is important to note that over-consumption, especially of iron and vitamin B6, can also lead to adverse effects. As a result, it is crucial to have a balanced intake of each vitamin, which can vary depending on each person. Most importantly, consult with a healthcare professional. They can guide you on potential dietary changes and whether supplementation might be necessary.

Remember, restoring and balancing your body’s vitamin and mineral levels takes time. Consistency and mindfulness in your dietary choices are crucial. So, cut the caffeine, and focus on a balanced vitamin intake to combat fatigue and tiredness.

Best-selling Vitamin B5 supplements

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