Spring has arrived, which usually means embarking on a marathon cleaning session to sweep away the dust and dirt that has collected over winter – leaving your home clean and tidy, ready to welcome the warmer weather.

Start by clearing clutter

Spring cleaning hacks Woman cleaning and polishing the kitchen worktop with a spray detergent, housekeeping and hygiene concept


“With spring around the corner, it’s the perfect time to re-evaluate your home, de-clutter and get it organised,” says Nicola Lewis, aka pro sorter-outer of stuff, This Girl Can Organise, who offers a professional home organiser service and counts celebrities including Gemma Collins among her clients.

“Your home should tell a story of who you are, and house a collection of everything you love. Your overall objective is to create a space that relaxes you and makes you smile, and one that works for you.

“Start by walking around your home with a notepad and pen, and plan the process,” Lewis suggests. “Ask yourself, ‘How can I improve this and manage the available space better?’ Clarify in your mind what you should keep or get rid of.”

Lewis’ step-by-step plan: First, clear the room as much as possible. Next, sort items into four piles: Keep, donate, sell and bin. Clean away dirt and dust, then before placing furniture and items back into their places, really consider their location and position, so that it all really suits you and the people living in your home.

10 spring cleaning tips and hacks

Here are a few spring cleaning hacks and tips to help you get your cleaning blitz done faster and with less effort.

Clean the windows

Spring cleaning hacks Senior woman cleaning a windows at home.

For streak-free glass inside and out, mix two tablespoons of white vinegar with a gallon of water, dispense into a used spray bottle and arm yourself with newspaper, rather than paper towel which can cause streaking. And with a little bit of elbow grease, job done.

Polish the silver, chrome and stainless steel

Even if there’s a layer of dust on the sideboard, if you polish silver photograph frames to a high shine, keep chrome switches and sockets shiny (and free of finger prints), along with cutlery and stainless steel ornaments, the eye will naturally be drawn to flashes of silver.

Make mirrors gleam

Spring cleaning hacks Mature woman cleaning home, washing bathroom

We love mirrors – they make rooms feel bigger, brighter and beam off natural light, but because they reflect everything, these looking glasses need to be kept spotless. The good news is, it won’t take long. A wet sponge, dash of washing up liquid and a microfibre cloth to shine and buff, will make everything they catch look fab.

Keep flooring in top condition

Whatever’s underfoot takes a beating, whether it’s carpet, wooden flooring, or rugs. So, do a good, proper hoover (as in moving furniture where possible out the way), give rugs a good shake and air them outside, mop wooden floors and dry buff them – all of which will make a good first impression and shouldn’t have to be done too often.

Keep the kitchen sink spotless

Spring cleaning hacks The cleaning power of lemon

It’s the hardest-working piece of kit in the kitchen, so no wonder all those dirty dishes and food stains take their toll. To remove limescale and keep the sink shiny, a fresh lemon and an old toothbrush will do the trick in no time. The acidity in lemons removes anything nasty, while the small bristles will get round the spout, tap and plug hole.

Spritz soft furnishings

Upholstery, fabrics and cushions can be a magnet for fluff. And let’s not even go there when it comes to velvet. Once you’ve smoothed out the sofa, puffed up the cushions and realigned the curtains, take a lint brush (a sticky roller works best) and remove any dust and hair (pets included). Then, take a perfume that’s nearly at its end, or you’ve gone off, and spritz everything. You’ll be amazed how scent can penetrate fabric and give the room a new lease of life.

Clean your mattress

Most of us wash the bed sheets every one to two weeks, but when was the last time you actually cleaned your mattress?

“It’s a little-known fact that you should actually clean some mattresses every six months to prevent dust mites, dead skin and dirt accumulating,” says Neil Robinson, chief sleep officer for bed specialists, Sealy UK.

“Use a vacuum-cleaner to remove dirt, hair and crumbs. One old home-remedy suggests using baking (bicarbonate) soda to freshen a mattress,” he adds. “The theory is, it draws out the dirt, moisture and odours.”

If you want to try it, pour a small amount into a sieve and sprinkle over the mattress aiming for an even dusting over the surface – apply more in areas which are particularly stained. Leave it to air for a few hours, or ideally for the whole day, and then vacuum away. However, be aware that some mattresses – including Sealy’s mattresses containing Purotex smart fibres, which have self-cleaning properties – are unsuitable for cleaning with baking soda.

Clean existing houseplants

Spring cleaning hacks Elderly female hands taking care of plants at her home, wiping the dust from flower's leaves

Don’t overlook existing houseplants in a spring clean. Wipe leaves with a damp cloth to help remove dust and promote good health. Remove yellowing foliage and trim damaged leaves of larger plants with sharp scissors.

Houseplants may also need re-potting and feeding in spring, and some, such as orchids, need specialist feeds to encourage fruits and flowers rather than foliage.

Add more greenery in your rooms

Indoor greenery can clean the air, as well as injecting life and colour into a space, which is a perfect way of welcoming spring, declares Claire Bishop, houseplant buyer for Dobbies Garden Centres.

“Houseplants are brilliant anti-pollutants and help to increase oxygen levels. For me, stepping into a room of lush and leafy greenery is a definite mood booster,” she enthuses.

“My favourite is lavender, which can add a lovely calming fragrance to any room and is particularly good for aiding sleep in a bedroom. Simply ensure it has plenty of fresh air and natural light.”

Recommended: Houseplants that like shade: best houseplant to grow in a shady spot.

Scent the air

Even if you haven’t time to spring clean and polish every nook and cranny in your home, simply throwing open the windows will help to air rooms and banish any lingering, stale odours of winter.

Once that’s done, prolong that fresh scent with a spring-friendly scented candle or room diffuser. Bright tangy citrus is a popular scent, which makes any home feel fresh and inviting.

Best-selling cleaning products

Stuck for inspiration? Check out our list of best-selling Amazon products!

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