Are you constantly yawning during the day? Do you find it difficult to concentrate? Does it feel like a struggle to wake up in the morning? It’s time to ditch the quick fixes you rely on, put down the double macchiato and develop healthy ways to perk up your energy levels and become more fresh and energetic.

How to become fresh and energetic

We spoke to Chris Newbold, head of clinical nutrition at BioCare, to outline natural energy boosters to provide you with the get-up-and-go you need to get through the day. Here are his top tips for avoiding that midday slump.


1. Avoid caffeine after 2pm

“Caffeine is great for increasing alertness, so starting the day with a cup of coffee may help sharpen your mind. However, you should consume this cautiously.

“Try to avoid it after 2pm, as it can cause problems with winding down in the evening and may cause restlessness before bedtime. ”

2. Give yourself a breakfast boost

“If you find it hard to feel alert in the mornings, breakfast can give you the energy you need to face the day ahead. It’s important to go for healthier options, such as porridge and fruit, an omelette or wholemeal toast.

Avoid fatty, deep-fried foods such as fry-ups, as these take a while for your body to digest and will leave you with less energy.

“Although it may be difficult to resist tucking into office pastries, try opting for a healthy alternative as their lack of fibre, protein and high sugar content will leave you wanting to snack on more food before lunchtime.”

3. Get some shut-eye

“It may be obvious, but getting enough sleep is vital to feeling energised throughout the day. A bad night’s sleep can have a knock on effect for the rest of the week, so make sure you’re well rested every night to feel re-energised the next day.

“It can take around 24-36 hours for your body to recover from a bad night’s sleep. If you’ve been unlucky enough to have a bad night’s sleep, make sure that you look after yourself the following day. Stay hydrated, eat well, don’t drink too much caffeine and front load your day by making sure you get all the important things you need to do, done first. ”

4. Add some protein

“To fill you up and give you all-day energy, high quality protein is the answer. There are a variety of different options to choose from such as salmon and eggs for breakfast, followed by tuna or chicken for lunch and dinner.

“Alternatively, for a vegetarian option, try eggs, nuts, and a range of peas and beans.”

Protein will help you stay fresh and energetic for longer throughout the day as they’ll release energy more slowly and consistently.

5. Don’t forget complex carbs

“Foods such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, chickpeas, wheat and granary bread fuel the body and mind to help you make it through the day.

“These complex carbs are turned into glucose (blood sugar) in the body and are used as energy.”

6. Ditch alcohol before bed

“Alcohol can trick you into thinking you will sleep better, as it can often make you feel drowsy and can make it easier to fall asleep. However, this can also affect your energy levels the next day, as you’re more likely to wake up and feel groggy.

“Drinking alcohol can dehydrate the body, so reach for a glass of water between alcoholic drinks to ease the hangover symptoms the next day.”

7. Top up your supplements

“Every cell in the body requires B12 for energy metabolism and the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. However, the human body cannot create this on its own. Red meat, dairy and mussels are just some of the best natural ways to consume B12, or you can supplement B12 safely using supplements such as BioCare’s B Complex Capsules (available on Amazon).

“Magnesium is also an important mineral when it comes to energy supply as it aids the body’s energy production. Magnesium can be found in foods such as beans, nuts, tofu, sesame seeds, whole grains and green leafy vegetables.

“You can also supplement magnesium safely using supplements such as BioCare’s Magnesium Citrate” (available on Amazon).

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